Wouldn’t it be great if you could have the perfect exposure every time? Have you ever wanted to take a picture of the inside of a building; however, either the windows were exposed properly and the room was dark or the room was exposed properly and the windows were all white? Now the digital photographer can have the best of both worlds by using HDR (high dynamic range) photography.
Basically, what happens is the photographer takes multiple shots of the same scene and blends them together in the computer to capture all of the detail in one photograph. I usually take between seven and nine shots and use the program Photomatix Pro to blend (tone map) all of the best information into one good image. It is best to use a tripod and the same aperture setting. The tripod allows the program to align the pixels easily and the same aperture maintains a constant depth of field. Therefore, what changes in each shot is the shutter speed. The pictures are taken without the aid of external lighting or flash.
Today, I am adding the new HDR gallery to the web site.